Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, Commissioner for the Connecticut State Department of Education |
Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, Commissioner for the Connecticut State Department of Education |
Of the 141,616 students attending the county's schools, 44.1% were white.
Hispanic students were the second-largest ethnic group in Fairfield County at the time, making up 35.4% of total enrollment.
In the previous school year, white students were also the most represented group in the county, comprising 45.2% of the student body.
Center for Global Studies had the most diverse student body in the county, including 36.3% Hispanic students, 34.2% white students, 15.8% Black students, 7.4% Asian students, and 6.3% multiracial students.
In the 2023-24 school year, the total number of students enrolled in the county increased by 0.1% when compared to the previous year.
Student enrollment has been dropping in Connecticut’s public schools for over a decade now. With the exception of a slight relief in the 2021-22 school year, schools in the state have lost more than 30,000 students since 2014.
School | Most prevalent ethnicity | Percent of Total Student Body | Total Students |
A.B. Skane Center | Hispanic | 52.1% | 190 |
Achievement First Bridgeport Academy | Black | 52.6% | 1,098 |
Aerospace/Hydrospace, Engineering and Physical Sciences Magnet High School | Hispanic | 53% | 330 |
Anna H. Rockwell School | White | 54% | 302 |
Barlow Mountain Elementary School | White | 73.7% | 377 |
Barnum School | Hispanic | 69% | 587 |
Bassick High School | Hispanic | 61.7% | 1,033 |
Beardsley School | Hispanic | 56.6% | 302 |
Bedford Middle School | White | 75.9% | 747 |
Bethel High School | White | 59.6% | 1,083 |
Bethel Middle School | White | 56.5% | 766 |
Biotechnology, Research & Zoological Studies Magnet High School | Hispanic | 51.4% | 366 |
Black Rock School | Hispanic | 59.5% | 439 |
Blackham School | Hispanic | 63.2% | 1,046 |
Booth Hill School | White | 67.8% | 283 |
Booth Hill School | White | 108.5% | 283 |
Branchville Elementary School | White | 84.8% | 335 |
Bridgeport Military Academy | Hispanic | 65.9% | 296 |
Brien McMahon High School | Hispanic | 61.4% | 1,766 |
Broadview Middle School | Hispanic | 68.1% | 1,098 |
Brookfield High School | White | 70.3% | 871 |
Brookside Elementary School | Hispanic | 69.6% | 398 |
Bryant School | Hispanic | 60.9% | 304 |
Bullard-Havens Technical High School | Hispanic | 68.2% | 818 |
Bunnell High School | Hispanic | 38.4% | 1,057 |
Burr Elementary School | White | 70% | 357 |
Candlewood Lake Elementary School | White | 66.7% | 1,107 |
Capital Preparatory Harbor School | Black | 65.6% | 781 |
Center for Global Studies | Hispanic | 36.3% | 284 |
Central High School | Hispanic | 56.6% | 1,704 |
Central Middle School | White | 66.4% | 503 |
Cesar Batalla School | Hispanic | 73.9% | 1,020 |
Chapel School | Hispanic | 35.7% | 283 |
Cider Mill School | White | 73.1% | 822 |
Classical Studies Academy | Black | 47.5% | 385 |
Cloonan School | Hispanic | 55.2% | 511 |
Coleytown Elementary School | White | 75.7% | 486 |
Coleytown Middle School | White | 75.9% | 486 |
Columbus School | Hispanic | 72.1% | 538 |
Concord Magnet School | White | 39% | 362 |
Consolidated School | White | 76.8% | 504 |
Cos Cob School | White | 62.6% | 340 |
Cranbury Elementary School | White | 46.7% | 420 |
DPS Early Childhood Center | Hispanic | 69.6% | 56 |
DPS Early Childhood Center at Granville | Hispanic | 59.3% | 167 |
Danbury High School | Hispanic | 60.6% | 3,603 |
Daniels Farm School | White | 68.5% | 514 |
Darien High School | White | 82.4% | 1,398 |
Davenport Ridge School | Hispanic | 42.4% | 693 |
David Wooster Middle School | Hispanic | 43.3% | 547 |
Dolan School | Hispanic | 57% | 591 |
Dwight Elementary School | White | 82.3% | 231 |
East Ridge Middle School | White | 78.2% | 481 |
East School | White | 78.9% | 570 |
Eastern Middle School | White | 63.8% | 793 |
Edison School | Hispanic | 49.7% | 193 |
Eli Whitney School | White | 37.8% | 489 |
Elizabeth Shelton School | White | 59.3% | 425 |
Ellsworth Avenue School | Hispanic | 77.1% | 507 |
Fairfield Ludlowe High School | White | 77% | 1,489 |
Fairfield Warde High School | White | 64.5% | 1,370 |
Fairfield Woods Middle School | White | 67.5% | 742 |
Farmingville Elementary School | White | 82.9% | 321 |
Fawn Hollow Elementary School | White | 72.9% | 700 |
Fox Run Elementary School | Hispanic | 50% | 370 |
Frank A. Berry School | White | 54.8% | 387 |
Franklin School | Hispanic | 49.1% | 267 |
Frenchtown Elementary School | White | 49.1% | 493 |
Geraldine Claytor Magnet Academy | Hispanic | 50.8% | 435 |
Geraldine Johnson School | Hispanic | 67% | 802 |
Glenville School | White | 68.4% | 415 |
Great Oaks Charter School | Hispanic | 49.6% | 659 |
Great Plain School | Hispanic | 54.9% | 264 |
Green's Farms School | White | 78.6% | 454 |
Greenwich High School | White | 58.2% | 2,633 |
Hall School | Black | 45.1% | 175 |
Hallen School | Black | 43.5% | 278 |
Hamilton Avenue School | Hispanic | 54% | 298 |
Harry B. Flood Middle School | Hispanic | 43.5% | 471 |
Hart School | Hispanic | 58% | 598 |
Hawley Elementary School | White | 83.7% | 289 |
Hayestown Avenue School | Hispanic | 68.2% | 447 |
Head O'Meadow Elementary School | White | 83.4% | 319 |
Helen Keller Middle School | White | 77.5% | 285 |
Henry Abbott Technical High School | Hispanic | 51.2% | 692 |
High Horizons Magnet School | Hispanic | 52% | 442 |
Hillcrest Middle School | White | 58.6% | 770 |
Hindley Elementary School | White | 83.3% | 420 |
Holland Hill School | White | 60.4% | 379 |
Holmes Elementary School | White | 79.8% | 430 |
Hurlbutt Elementary School | White | 74.9% | 462 |
Information Technology & Software Engineering Magnet High School | Hispanic | 51.5% | 404 |
Interdistrict Discovery Magnet School | Hispanic | 43.4% | 482 |
Intermediate School | White | 58.4% | 752 |
International School At Dundee | White | 45.5% | 325 |
J. M. Wright Technical High School | Hispanic | 67.6% | 451 |
James J. Curiale School | Hispanic | 56.7% | 513 |
Jane Ryan School | White | 59.8% | 463 |
Jefferson Marine Science Elementary School | Hispanic | 68.2% | 465 |
Jennings School | White | 68.9% | 280 |
Jettie S. Tisdale School | Hispanic | 51% | 577 |
Jockey Hollow School | White | 69.7% | 759 |
Joel Barlow High School | White | 79% | 737 |
John Read Middle School | White | 81.3% | 353 |
John Winthrop School | Hispanic | 59.4% | 601 |
Johnson House Elementary School | Hispanic | 50.8% | 545 |
Julia A. Stark School | Hispanic | 65.3% | 611 |
Julian Curtiss School | White | 41.9% | 246 |
K. T. Murphy School | Hispanic | 68.4% | 402 |
Kendall College & Career Academy | Hispanic | 70.6% | 378 |
King Street Intermediate School | Hispanic | 60.1% | 353 |
King Street Primary School | Hispanic | 66.3% | 404 |
King's Highway Elementary School | White | 72.8% | 463 |
Long Hill School | White | 47% | 319 |
Long Lots School | White | 74.9% | 562 |
Lordship School | White | 36.9% | 176 |
Luis Munoz Marin School | Hispanic | 77.3% | 710 |
Madison Middle School | White | 58.8% | 821 |
Madison School | Hispanic | 59.8% | 448 |
Marvin Elementary School | Hispanic | 56.5% | 402 |
Masuk High School | White | 71.1% | 1,057 |
McKinley School | White | 43% | 470 |
Middle Gate Elementary School | White | 80.8% | 416 |
Middlebrook School | White | 53.6% | 481 |
Middlebrook School | White | 126.8% | 481 |
Middlesex Middle School | White | 80.2% | 1,047 |
Mill Hill School | White | 80.8% | 402 |
Mill Ridge Primary School | Hispanic | 52.2% | 341 |
Miller-Driscoll School | White | 75.4% | 854 |
Mohegan School | White | 61.7% | 337 |
Monroe Elementary School | White | 71.3% | 407 |
Morris Street School | Hispanic | 81.5% | 362 |
Multicultural Magnet School | Hispanic | 69% | 422 |
Naramake Elementary School | Hispanic | 51.6% | 366 |
Nathan Hale Middle School | Hispanic | 52.3% | 524 |
New Beginnings Inc Family Academy | Black | 54.6% | 392 |
New Canaan High School | White | 79.6% | 1,257 |
New Fairfield Elementary School | White | 77.5% | 435 |
New Fairfield High School | White | 76% | 688 |
New Fairfield Middle School | White | 70.8% | 506 |
New Lebanon School | Hispanic | 59.9% | 342 |
Newfield School | Hispanic | 52.1% | 543 |
Newtown High School | White | 80.6% | 1,276 |
Newtown Middle School | White | 76.7% | 610 |
Nichols School | Hispanic | 49.8% | 408 |
North Mianus School | White | 63.8% | 475 |
North Stratfield School | White | 72% | 414 |
North Street School | White | 75.5% | 396 |
Northeast School | White | 40.2% | 475 |
Norwalk Early Childhood Center | Hispanic | 54.7% | 150 |
Norwalk High School | Hispanic | 59.1% | 1,547 |
Old Greenwich School | White | 83.5% | 406 |
Osborn Hill School | White | 75.9% | 444 |
Ox Ridge Elementary School | White | 80.9% | 598 |
P-TECH Norwalk | Hispanic | 50.3% | 380 |
Park Avenue School | Hispanic | 78% | 599 |
Park City Magnet School | Hispanic | 48% | 477 |
Park City Prep Charter School | Black | 47.1% | 403 |
Parkway School | White | 79.1% | 244 |
Paul Laurence Dunbar School | Hispanic | 59.4% | 394 |
Pembroke School | Hispanic | 57.4% | 380 |
Perry Hill Elementary School | White | 58.9% | 701 |
Ponus Ridge STEAM Academy | Hispanic | 65.1% | 622 |
Ralph M. T. Johnson School | White | 49% | 673 |
Read School | Hispanic | 63.8% | 793 |
Redding Elementary School | White | 78.1% | 511 |
Reed Intermediate School | White | 80% | 581 |
Ridgebury Elementary School | White | 78.6% | 351 |
Ridgefield High School | White | 78.2% | 1,420 |
Rippowam Middle School | Hispanic | 56.9% | 675 |
Riverfield School | White | 80.9% | 398 |
Riverside School | White | 69.6% | 473 |
Roger Ludlowe Middle School | White | 80% | 760 |
Rogers International School | Hispanic | 48.1% | 770 |
Rogers Park Middle School | Hispanic | 70.3% | 878 |
Roosevelt School | Hispanic | 59.7% | 474 |
Roton Middle School | Hispanic | 56.1% | 453 |
Rowayton School | White | 55.6% | 435 |
Roxbury School | Hispanic | 55.6% | 545 |
Royle Elementary School | White | 76.7% | 331 |
Samuel Staples Elementary School | White | 73.6% | 618 |
Sandy Hook Elementary School | White | 77.3% | 353 |
Saugatuck Elementary School | White | 75.9% | 398 |
Saxe Middle School | White | 77.6% | 1,261 |
Scofield Middle School | Hispanic | 44.1% | 612 |
Scotland Elementary School | White | 82% | 333 |
Scotts Ridge Middle School | White | 80.6% | 527 |
Second Hill Lane School | Hispanic | 55.8% | 597 |
Shelter Rock School | Hispanic | 62.7% | 550 |
Shelton High School | White | 56.3% | 1,311 |
Sherman School | White | 85% | 373 |
Sherman School | White | 54.2% | 373 |
Side By Side Charter School | Hispanic | 58.5% | 236 |
Silvermine Dual Language Magnet School | Hispanic | 81.5% | 427 |
South Norwalk Elementary School | Hispanic | 80.5% | 133 |
South School | White | 78.3% | 507 |
South Street School | Hispanic | 73.5% | 377 |
Springdale School | Hispanic | 53.4% | 580 |
Stadley Rough School | Hispanic | 71% | 520 |
Stamford Charter School for Excellence | Black | 42.2% | 540 |
Stamford High School | Hispanic | 46.1% | 2,121 |
Staples High School | White | 76.9% | 1,626 |
Stepney Elementary School | White | 64.5% | 521 |
Stillmeadow School | Hispanic | 56.6% | 604 |
Stratfield School | White | 76.4% | 339 |
Stratford High School | Hispanic | 39.9% | 1,131 |
Strawberry Hill an ext. of Rogers International | Hispanic | 39.3% | 797 |
Sunnyside School | White | 45.1% | 224 |
Tashua School | White | 64.9% | 419 |
The Academy of Information, Technology & Engineering | Hispanic | 41% | 630 |
The Bridge Academy | Black | 49.5% | 281 |
Thomas Hooker School | Hispanic | 56.7% | 252 |
Tokeneke Elementary School | White | 78.3% | 428 |
Tomlinson Middle School | White | 62.2% | 590 |
Toquam Magnet School | Hispanic | 69.4% | 549 |
Tracey Magnet School | Hispanic | 58% | 464 |
Trumbull High School | White | 62.5% | 2,155 |
Turn of River School | Hispanic | 56.1% | 624 |
Veterans Park Elementary School | White | 73.4% | 241 |
Victoria Soto Preschool | Hispanic | 42% | 193 |
Waltersville School | Hispanic | 60.5% | 428 |
Warren Harding High School | Hispanic | 58.9% | 1,201 |
West Rocks Middle School | Hispanic | 61.1% | 701 |
West School | White | 80.8% | 499 |
Western CT Academy of International Studies Elementary Magnet School | Hispanic | 45.7% | 357 |
Western Middle School | White | 44.4% | 611 |
Westhill High School | Hispanic | 55.8% | 2,259 |
Weston High School | White | 76.9% | 709 |
Weston Intermediate School | White | 72.1% | 463 |
Weston Middle School | White | 75.1% | 519 |
Westover School | Hispanic | 45.9% | 521 |
Westside Middle School Academy | Hispanic | 51.8% | 745 |
Whisconier Middle School | White | 71.4% | 591 |
Wilbur Cross School | Hispanic | 54.8% | 310 |
Wilcoxson School | White | 45.7% | 352 |
Wilton High School | White | 75% | 1,244 |
Wolfpit Integrated Arts Elementary School | Hispanic | 40.1% | 357 |