Clear Cutting Trees | Rawpixel
Clear Cutting Trees | Rawpixel
There is a bill presently before the Environment Committee (SB-122) of the State’s General Assembly; “An Act Concerning The Replanting of Trees in Public Areas Cleared By Utility Companies”. To view the full bill you may click here.
Many residents have expressed their dismay at the recent clear cutting of trees by utility companies throughout the state, and in particular, Eversource in Darien. The clear cutting program is taking place along 18 miles of the New Haven line of Metro North, 3.5 miles of that is in Darien. The Town has no say in clear cutting when the land is not town owned. Concerned residents should let their State and local legislative representatives know how they feel about this activity. A sample letter may be found here or residents may write their own letters. (Either way, you are encouraged to include relevant photos.)
Information on our legislative representatives may be found:
Original source can be found here.